What ended your relationship with your best friend?

After 8 years of the closest friendship I've had, she ghosted me when I reached out to her, at the hardest time I've had since we met, This after her dragging me (years ago) thru every part of her crazy anxiety every day. Those times, otherwise, were amazing, & kept us close even though we didn't see each other in person much anymore after the intensity of the first 2 years. We texted regularly & had long calls here & there, & I was really happy, because it took so many failed friendships to get there.

Anyway, the ghosting was a year ago, & was so jarringly shocking & painful that I stepped back & let my ego protect me for a while. After three weeks of talking to nobody, she texted a few words of nothing. Then ignored everytime I suggested we talk, a death in my family, everything. Now she 'needs time to herself, nothing about me, don't worry nothing is lost between us, etc. Everything is lost, nothing more importantly than my voice. Yet she still complains that I don't text her enough, when she's done nothing but give excuses for why she can't/won't call anymore. I've moved thru hurt to anger to ? & I just wish I knew how flaky she really was when the shit hit my fan. I've had breakups that were much less painful than this confusing shit.

/r/AskReddit Thread