What exactly is the point of Cleric Stance?

The idea behind the cleric stance is, as far as I see, to give healers a way to do dps without making them dps who can heal.

Well that's the thing isn't it? Healers Are DPS that can heal especially in savage meta.

they argued that it would break the healers on pvp (I don't agree, it is as easy as to nerf their dps when inside pvp).

That would be an issue, but currently they basically made healer DPS non-existent after they, and I lol at this, took out clerics altogether, so if they want healers to just heal in PVP they can just make healer DPS in PVP do 1/10th the damage or something.

Now that I think about it, though, the problem is, at the moment, bigger than it looks, and it is the Scholar fault. The Scholar comes from a dps class, the Arcanist, and the ACN can also go SMN. IIRC, with how the skills and spells work, if they changed it right now, the Scholar wouldn't be able to do any damage, as it would still depend on the INT.

That's a good point, although it can be solved if they separate the jobs entirely based on jobstone and give them separate attribute point banks which would solve a lot of issues with switching SCH and SMN.

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