What is the fastest way you’ve lost a friend?

One day she just stopped being friends. I would always hang out with her and her best friend, she'd laugh at my jokes and seem to generally enjoy my presence. Invited me over for dinner with her family at one point, she talked about me and they were interested in meeting me. Then suddenly one week me and the other friend don't hear from her.

The other friend asks her what's up, she basically says she doesn't like me anymore and finds me rude, and that she can't be friends with me. Also, if the friend is still friends with me, she can't be friends with them anymore either.

I was hurt and confused, but I can handle my own emotions. What sucks is that the friendship between her and the other friend died, and they had been best friends since elementary school, be wise the other friend was still friends with me since he couldn't see any reason to not be friends with me.

Now me and the 2nd friend are best friends, but damn if I don't hate how unresolved it still all feels sometimes

/r/AskReddit Thread