What the fuck

They watch terrorists or should they stop doing that because it's wrong morally and legally? They also haven't done anything wrong up until a certain point should we just ignore what they are doing so they can have their right to privacy?

Watching them is so important if they are not in a jail.

I don't think kids should have to live in the same neighborhood with a nonces its not worth the risk of ruining that child's life. I think children should be the priority not perverted people.

And yes I'm aware of the grooming gangs it's also just as vile and disgusting. It needs to be stopped. How many of them are pedos that could have been stopped if they were watched over too. Parents also have responsibility to teach their children the dangers of these kinds of people and gangs, and if you are letting a child use the internet freely you are asking for said situations.

It may be some form of mental disorder but I don't have sympathy for these people it is too disgusting to do so

/r/Cringetopia Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it