What is so good about getting drunk...?

First off I want to say I don't condone drinking underage. Drinking can be a really enjoyable social thing. There is a pretty plain reason that people have been drinking at meals or parties for thousands of years. It can be relaxing and a way to open up to people a bit more. I definitely recommend drinking legally around people you love and trust. It's a lot of fun and a way to create memories. People do let it control their lives though and there are chemical and behavioral reasons for this. You just have to be sure to look out for the signs and not let yourself go too far. In moderation it's great. Don't be stupid, have a plan and don't get in a car with anyone who you think has had too much to drink. Including yourself. I used to drink a lot to deal with my problems and that sucked and led to dark places, but now I get drunk with friends maybe once every few months or have a beer on a date to loosen up a little. But ultimately it's all your choice. If you don't want to drink you don't have to.

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