What is the greatest pain you've ever felt?

I was 19. My girlfriend(17) was going swimming with friends. I kissed her goodbye and went home. About 30 minutes later, as I was walking through my door, the phone rang. It was my girlfriends parents. She had driven her dads truck off the edge of the road, over-corrected, and flipped the truck several times. Her dad she was being flown via helicopter to a hospital but didn't know which one. I drove as fast as my mustang would go until I reached her house. Once there, we got a call saying which hospital she was at. We drove about 80 miles to MCV hospital in Richmond, Va. Her brother lived closer. He beat us there. When we arrived he told us she was alive, but had serious injuries. She wasn't wearing her seatbelt, and had been ejected from the vehicle. After about 30mins, a doctor came by and nonchalantly informed us that she had died. I collapsed to the floor in shock. At the time, nobody in my life had ever died. She was my first serious girlfriend. I sat there against the wall until my parents arrived an hour later to get me. There are no words to describe that kind of hurt. I layed in bed for two weeks. I didn't know night from day. I threw up whenever I tried to eat. One day, when I got up to use the bathroom, I saw myself in the mirror. I looked like a zombie. I barely recognized myself. At that moment, I snapped back into reality and knew if I continued to mourn, I would be dead myself. That was 8-9 years ago. I still think about it every day. How my entire world was ripped from under me. I was forced to grow up so fast. I was just a kid. She was just a kid. Life is so unfair, but it goes on. I met another girl. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. She was there for me when I was at my lowest. We got married, and we have one kid plus another on the way. I feel like I appreciate what I have now more because of my past. Life is so beautiful and precious. Most people are oblivious to just how fragile it is. Hug somebody you love everyday. And for gods sake wear your' fucking seatbelt.

/r/AskReddit Thread