What happened at the worst party you've ever been to?

A friend and I had just moved into an apartment in the major city near our hometowns -- our first "real" place of our own since graduating college -- so we threw a housewarming. I discovered a guy I for whom I had it pretty bad in college was in town from his home 3 hours away and accepted the invitation. I subsequently got pretty nervous. So an hour or so before the party, after we'd cleaned the place, bought the booze/food, etc., I set to creating a playlist for the night. The guy in question had great music taste, which put even more pressure on to impress him, so I started pregaming with a tiny glass of gin and tonic to relax a bit. My two best friends came by early to help out and the combined buzz plus the giddiness of having them there to play wingmen (they both knew about my crush) led to another drink. Then another. By the time the guy showed up, totally sober being so early, I was shit-canned. I don't remember a thing I said to him. I blacked out and woke up to find my high heels still strapped to my feet, my bedroom door kicked in, about 15 missed calls, my bong broken and carpet soaked and reeking of bong water, and a chocolate cupcake smeared across one of my walls. I walked out and saw the guy passed out on my couch with one of those two said best friends, arms wrapped around her. Turns out I'd decided to pass out at the ripe hour of 11 p.m. and locked myself in my room, where a few of my friends had thrown their purses and jackets. The guy and my "best friend" had decided to step outside for some privacy for their makeout session and couldn't get in to get her jacket. So he kicked it in. I guess as a consolation I packed a bong, knocked it over, and fed a cupcake to the wall. The worst part is he stuck around our apartment the next day because he was locked out of the place he was staying until his friend got home from work. My roommate had to work a 10-hour shift that day, too, so it was just the two of us sitting around, awkward and hungover, me heartbroken. The dick didn't even offer to pay for a new door, and my "best friend" was too sheepish to apologize for a good month.

/r/AskReddit Thread