What happened at the worst wedding you ever went to?

One wedding I went to was organized in less than a month. Since the bride hated two of his friends, they were forced to be ushers while the the best man & maid of honor distinctions went to her siblings. Yes her siblings. The friends got bossed around like unpaid help by the mother in law for the two plus hours before the wedding started making sure everyone was in their assigned seats. Yes assigned seating during the wedding. The actual wedding barely had any church related literagy and was pretty much a talent show for her buddies that wanted to sing at a wedding. Some of those songs were the most cringe worthy performances I have ever heard. Many high-school talent shows are better. Off key along with malfunctioning audio equipment made it miserable for guests young or old to deal with.

The reception was believe it or not the worst part. The food was brought in by a meals on wheels volunteer group and bride's uptight family would not allow booze. Luckily some of the groom's family members thought ahead and had a huge cooler full of alcoholic beverages hidden outside behind the building. By the halfway point of the reception, all of the groom's relatives and friends were outside drinking champagne, beer and whisky while the boring uptight stuff was happening inside. The only way to make that wedding more fun is to get drunk and see what happens.

Just a hint for anybody planning a wedding: Don't be be fun haters that don't allow alcohol at the reception.

/r/AskReddit Thread