What do insanely wealthy people buy, that ordinary people know nothing about?

Speaking as a trust fund kid, life got pretty fucked up when I learned how much my family is worth and I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with it. Deciding what to do with an excess of millions is weird - do we keep investing so that extra money will make a bigger impact later, or try to find the right charities now and go ahead and make a difference as soon as possible? What's the right amount to save in case shit hits the fan? Should I be planning for kids? If I divide my immediate family's assets between every member, then I have roughly 25 million to my name excluding what my parents leave in their will... how much of that do I honestly need?

The part about emotional connections cannot be stressed enough. Having hundreds of millions floating around the extended family has realllly fucked things up in a lot of ways - there's two different estranged branches of relatives we never talk to (both due to money related drama), some of my cousins are total spoiled brats who spend thousands on clothing every month because they don't understand the value of money and consider shopping the best way to enjoy life, and I have to be careful with literally everybody I know when the topic of money comes up. At the end of the day it's worth it to not have to stress about paying rent or medical bills, but there have been so many times when I've wondered if my money isn't giving me some sort of advantage I haven't earned, or fucking with my relationships with friends or SOs.

You ask what you'd do if you got really wealthy... that's where I'm at. I chose to do something I absolutely love, but it's hard to care about finding meaningful work when I could never earn as much as the trust fund makes every year. I don't need to work my ass off and sacrifice my health and happiness in order to succeed, I can settle for mediocrity and still earn more than the best in my field. Hell, I could shovel out some money and build a program, surround myself with talent, and put myself at the top of the heap, but I'm pretty sure I want to avoid cheating as much as possible. It's weird trying to figure out what to do when the lottery is real, rather than saying "Oh I'd just give all my friends tons of money to help them out (that would fuck up every friendship dynamic, don't think it wouldn't), buy a sweet car and a mansion!" I don't want to shove my wealth in the face of my friends, and I don't want to start deciding how much money to give to different friends. I'm in my mid 20s, I'm not supposed to be a multimillionaire.

Also, every day people are dying all over the world and I can totally save thousands of lives. Maybe tens of thousands. Or should I be saving the rainforest? Or maybe sheltering the homeless? It weighs on the mind.

/r/AskReddit Thread