What item is surprisingly stolen a lot?

I used to work for <Huge Online Retailer That Will Sue My Ass If I Use Their Name> in a Supervisory role.

One day an employee comes to me with their phone saying I need to see something. It's a "SnapChat" taken by one of our employees, ASDF, showing him posing next to a literal stack of stolen goods. The quote next to the SnapChat was, "Who need <company name> when you got da plug right here? HMU"

I start my investigation, tasking our security team to pull some footage, having my Leads and LP Crew take inventory of the stock to try to find when / how much has been taken. Once I have all the evidence I can, I contact the State Police to have them send an officer so we can move forward.

Long story short, ASDF was running a Shoplifting Ring for a local branch of the Bloods. ASDF worked <Here>, ASDF's brother QWER worked <There>, and then their sister ZXCV would sell them on the streets in the hood.

90% of what they stole were baby-related items. Diapers, wipes, formula, paper towels, and other sorts of toiletries. They didn't steal any of the electronics, or the designer make-up. They didn't steal the literal arsenal of sex toys, or any of the high-end computer hardware.

They stole toiletries. Because that's the day-to-day expense that sinks the impoverished in the long-run.

It caused such a hit to the profits of the local Bloods that I had to end up leaving and moving to another state for a few months. I know / knew a lot of people in and around that area, so I had some trusted informants letting me know that my name / description was on the streets in a bad way. Once I noticed cars trying to follow me home I opted to quit and lay low for a few months.

<Company Name> didn't do a fucking thing to provide me any sort of assistance. The best they offered me was having one of their Rentacop Security Guards escort me to my car at the end of my shifts. That just means two people get shot instead of one.

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