What keeps you going and enjoying WoW after 11 years?

Nostalgia. It's okay to admit, but I don't particularly care for the current state of PvP. In fact in the almost eleven years since I began playing PvP is at its' saddest point in the games existence. I was excited for a second when Blizzard introduced the new system; however, the extreme lack of information we have received regarding this new system is extremely discouraging. In fact, if I had to pick one feature that was released by Blizzard to be scrapped it would be this feature. Not to mention they haven't announced a new battleground or even an arena in Legion. Which if it's not added in a future patch that would be two consecutive expansions without a battleground. It just seems as if Blizzard is okay with allowing this aspect of the game to die, which is unfortunate.

I gave Raiding a fair shot this expansion as well. I lost interest during Highmaul and haven't stepped foot in HFC. I raided with the same people vanilla - WTLK. Over the course of time people have stopped playing, this was when I quit raiding.

Since then I have gone from being a popular name on my original server, to a random dude with a Zulian Tiger and FM gear on a different server. It's crazy because I grew up with this game, I was thirteen when I started my Hunter. I had twelve IRL friends who all played together. Now I'm 24 and some of those twelve friends hop on and off of the bandwagon depending on the expansion. But for the most part no one really plays.

I'm very grateful, this game helped me escape from the reality of a really bad high school experience. I got to come home and login, where I was Ovacor, a night elf Hunter who specialized in Beast Mastery and explored areas of fantasy that I had imagined in my head since reading "The Hobbit" as a small kid. It allowed me to explore the one thing I knew I had, an imagination. I still play to fuel that imagination as an adult. I had not realized this until I wrote this out. This post took a pleasant turn.

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