What kind of people do you automatically have no respect for?

Ooohhh, awful roommate story time. A few months ago, my sister's roommate brought home a kitten that she found in a box somewhere, and nobody really wanted it because they already had a cat and couldn't afford another pet, but the roommate talked them into it (she would cover expenses, though she definitely couldn't afford it). Months go by and everybody's getting super annoyed with her because she never changes the litter box, so they have to do it for her, and because she brought the kitten to her parents' gross home where it got fleas.

A little later the kitten gets worms or something, and to avoid getting the other cat sick, they have to put the kitten into the girl's room until she takes it to the vet or something (she doesn't). At this point, it gets really awful. She never lets the kitten out of the room (and she's super strict about people going into her room). Anyways, a lot of crazy shit went down with her in the last months she lived there. Namely she kept avoiding paying rent until the last month when she gave two checks, but she cancelled them the last few days she was living there. It was obvious that she was not going to pay rent and instead move out quickly. Shit went down, she was locked out of the house, and they finally accessed her room. It was disgusting. Garbage was everywhere, she hadn't changed the litter box so pee and shit was everywhere (how they could not smell it, I don't know). And the poor kitten was just a wreck. It was once this cuddly, affectionate cat, and now it was this wild-eyed, skittish creature that would aggressively freak out if you dared touch it. They had access to her laptop now and read through her e-mail (which I think is crossing the line), and it basically revealed a shit ton of lies, one of which was that she had actually found the kitten on Kijij (not in a box, and during a period where she definitely couldn't afford it). Worse though, was that in the emails where her old landlords demanded for the rent she owed, were discussions that she had bought kittens at almost every place she ever lived at, neglected them, and then abandoned them. I just don't get it, why buy a cat knowing that you don't have a good track record at taking care of them and knowing full well that you're likely not going to keep them? Just crazy.

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