Weekly Profile Critique

Hi there, (26M in UK)

I've had poor success with online dating in the past, but the last year made me decide go on Bumble for the first time.

I had one match in the first 24 hours (and a very awkward lockdown video date!) and I've been tweaking my profile since, and got some nice photos taken this week. I'm reluctant to use more than one from this shoot as it's clearly the same day/outfit so it would obviously seem like a shoot rather than natural.

Current profile and unused photos that are remotely suitable.


My work colleagues, hobby acquaintances and one good friend has been enough friendship for me the past few years, but it means I don't have many group shots, I used to be quite camera shy.

I've seen someone else advised about the use of 'Don't want kids'. Personally I don't even want to think of that for years and years but am not morally opposed to having children or incapable, so I don't know if 'Someday' would be a better fit? I think only having 2 options is a bit broad and useless!

Any thoughts on the overall profile would be welcome :)

/r/Bumble Thread