What kind of people have a special place in hell reserved for them?

This couple and any guilty of similar crimes deserve a special spot. This pair tortured and murdered a 3 year old boy. A summary out of the article (NSFL) :

A culture of violence against Moko evolved. Shailer would punch, kick and slap Moko. On one occasion another child in the house saw her biting the toddler multiple times on his face and arms. She bit him so hard that his skin would break and he would bleed. Meanwhile, Haerewa got into a "routine" of picking on Moko. He kicked, slapped, threw and booted the little boy, and sometimes beat him with a jandal.

It was around August 5 when the couple started to kill Moko. The abuse escalated to a point of no return. Shailer stomped repeatedly on Moko's tummy with "significant force". Moko groaned, expelling bursts of air as the adult who was supposed to be caring for him brought her foot down - hard - again and again. After the attack Moko lost control of his bowel. At some point around this time Moko suffered a fatal head injury. It has not been established who of Shailer and Haerewa dealt the blow but it caused swelling on Moko's brain and, combined with earlier head injuries and the attack on his abdomen, left the boy with little chance of survival."

The thing that infuriates me is they got done with manslaughter instead of murder. They knowingly beat a 3 year old child to the point that his own mother had trouble recognizing him in the morgue but get off with manslaughter. Where's the justice?

/r/AskReddit Thread