What lies have you told for the greater good?

i lied to save a life it started on afternoon when i came home from school i was about 13 at the time and i was looking for a snack i just wanted something to snack on and we were all out of what was normally stocked in the kitchen but my sister was prego and i knew she was holding so i snuck in her room while she was on the computer and i looked under the bed and low and behold it a box of little Debbie fudge rounds it was perfect ide just take one and she would never notice so i reach and get the box and i had to make a decision eat the last one and never tell any one or be a mature individual and leave it i took a low road that day and i took it and ate it i knew my sister would kill me if she found out so i got the box follded it up and threw it away in the outside trash can under some bags so it was gone for good no evidence no proof so i did the deed it was over then a hour or so later my sister comes marching in prego and all 7 months or so and she banged on my door i had to do something she knew ... so i opened the door and she demanded to know where it was i played dumb i had no idea what she could be talking about she said her fudge round was missing and where the hell could it be if i didnt eat it i said idk you probably forgot where you put it in the moutain of clothes you call a room and i offered to help look for it i spent 2 hours looking for it with her i denined it every time she asked i blamed my mother i said she must have forgot she ate it or anything to get me out of it but she was persistent she asked me for a week or so afterwards and i just started to ignore her because thats what i would do if i wasnt guilty she finally gave up and forgot about it but i know she still thinks about it to this day and is waiting till the right moment to bring it up and i dont know if i can keep the lie going any more and i look at my nephew and think i stole not only her snack cake but yours also and i feel regret but i feel it was worth it to survive the wrath of a prego sister that wanted chocolate or blood

TL;DR: fudge round guilt

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