What is a loophole you found out and exploited to the max?

Oh, damn. Finally the post I'm ready for.

When I was about 12, I was a hardcore Webkinz user. For anyone that isn't familiar, you bought plushies in real life that had a code you could put into the website. You would then play in a virtual world (like neopets) where you could feed your pet, dress them up, play games, shop, etc.

One day, in the Webkinz clothing store, there was a sale on Baggy Jeans that was a real steal. I bought a few before remembering they looked absolutely awful, and went to go sell them back. Turns out the jeans I bought for 20 kinzcash sold for 22 kinzcash.

Webkinz caught their mistake immediately, and fixed the store, but that would've required me to refresh the page. The store for selling items opened in a new page, so I didn't have to refresh the clothing store.

Luckily, it was a Saturday, so I could justify to my mother that spending a solid 5 hours buying Baggy Pants and selling them back at a 2 kinzcash profit was worth my time. And oh, it was. I was the richest Webkinz owner of my friend group by a long shot.

I started at a young age, I guess.

/r/AskReddit Thread