What made the ‘weird kid’ at your school weird?

I was a distance runner in high school and in college (on the Division III level). Our high school cross-country team was pretty good, but it was a mix of the following:

  • 3-4 serious distance runners on each team, boys or girls, who ran all three seasons- XC, indoor track, outdoor track- and all continued running for a mid-major Division I or a Division III program

  • Soccer, lacrosse, and tennis players, swimmers, and a few sprinters/ jumpers looking for a way to stay in shape during the fall- a lot of my friends were in this group and were usually some of the slower varsity runners

  • Oddball kids whose parents made them do a sport, and cross-country didn't cut anybody from at least practicing and running meets within an hour-and-a-half from our town, so they showed up for summer practice and just... hung around

The third group was definitely the biggest. It's important to note that the first group was often made up of somewhat athletic kids who were originally in the third group and just found out they liked running... like me.

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