You’ll miss Obama when he’s gone: Why Obama will be remembered as a good President and maybe a great one

As a educated conservative, I know most of my comments will be hypocritically disregarded by many liberals on this Reddit forum, as most Reddit users are in majority liberal, but let me make my statement very clear, most people in my opinion, will not Miss Obama or care to remember him. He has done very little, other then place a terrible health care reform, and as the thing most people will probably remember him for, is being the first black president. But, you liberals, or democrats who sit around discussing not what Obama has actually done to improve anything other then in the area of employment diversity which is still debatable if it actually improved anything for those who are not Caucasian, on top of the benefits most non Caucasian races already have. And this tense belief in diversity instead of unity will only further separate Americans, and will only increase the daily news reports of Apparent Racism rather then focusing on equality of American citizens.

But in my opinion, Obama won't be remembered for being a Good president because in reality, he has done very little as I have stated above. He claims to have helped the economy, but he has only slightly decreased the number of unemployment, and has only slightly increased employment salaries and consumer pricing. But it is apparent he had not learned that the economy has a cycle, that it naturally increases after a recession into expansion, but I guess no one had taught him this fact, or he is exaggerating his economic improvement to boost is low approval rating. But many of you here compare his economic improvement to those of George bush. When George bush was president, the economy suffered the a housing bubble in 2008 Which originally started in 2006. An event that was not foreseen by our government, and I believe the president had very little control over this. But many of you who compare Obama to bill Clinton completely disregard the fact that during his presidency, the economy suffered another popped bubble, it is known as the dot-com bubble. I will not go into detail of this since I am trying to keep this apparent essay short, but if we are going to disregard the stock market crash during Bill Clinton's term, why do we not disregard the stock market crash during George bushes term? And of course, I am not advocating that either of them were good presidents, but these are the facts. And comparing an economy that had recently started recovering from an economical crash to one that has been making its climb from a recession to an expansion is a very far comparison indeed.

Obama on foreign policy has been on of the worst historically in my opinion. He has been avoiding conflict, and giving into other governments and their demands since he first took office. A fairly recent example of this is in Iran, he has removed sanctions in return for prisoners and for Iran to decommission their nuclear reactor. Yet the president of Iran has stated that he still seeks out to acquire nuclear weapons? It would seem that our president would rather run from any conflict, and to give into any demand from a foreign government, to save his own approval rating, and to avoid any conflict. Our president, would rather trade five important terrorist figures, and trade six military lives for a deserter. This is not a strong president, and something that someone of great honor should not be honored or remembered for.

As one of our founding fathers Alexander Hamilton had once said, “A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one.” Take that as you will, but it is my believe that Obama is a president, that has neither been extremely terrible, or extremely good. He has been an average president his entire two terms, and has made poor decisions more often then he has made good ones. A president who has done so little, should not be remembered as a great and honorable president, but I am sure he will be written down in history books, as all presidents should be, but I believe he should receive no honorable mentions outside of taking up the mantle as president.

For those of you who have read this far, I thank you for reading my full opinion. I will most likely not be revisiting this sub Reddit, for I know that this account will be attacked by trolls. So for those of you who would like to leave constructive criticism or approval, I advocate your decision, because I believe that some Reddit users are actually looking for constructive and informative debate, rather then insulting others based on their believes with no factual or constructive response.

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