What makes believe in your religion/faith?

If you can manipulate time and space and bend it to your will with a simple thought, you can indeed be omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.

As for free will, that's just a convenient way to justify why God doesn't seem to give a shit about our well-being or suffering. T

But naturally, most religions are hypocritical and contradict themselves ALL the time. So you do make a valid point. I just don't think it completely discounts the possibility of a "God" still existing. When the Spanish first reached central/south America, the natives revered them as Gods. The big hand in the sky dropping flakes into an aquarium surely seems like God to a fish. So if there's something out there that can break our laws of physics, we modern humans might consider that to be a God, even if that God doesn't feel the same way about itself.

Who knows, I'm just high and redditing about God at 5 am, so there's also that.

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