What makes me uneasy with the current Genshin Community that makes players not enjoy the game as much as before...

Yesterday I commented on a Twitter thread of a leaker that said Ayaka would be stronger than Xiao. I pointed out how I noticed that mainly, Mihoyo tends to favor female characters and that they tend to make male DPS characters non OP by nerfing them and instead giving constant buffs to females. What was my response??

People replied to me saying that I don't know how to build, that I'm a meta slave, that I'm braindead and that I'm embarassing or that I "hate powerful women". No. I just want to be able to play with characters I like and not have people shove down my face that Ganyu and Hu Tao are better than any of my DPS characters. Plus, the current abyss is really difficult for me, especially as a free to play mobile user and it favors people that own Hu Tao Ganyu and Eula. How is that fair? I know it was my choice not to pull for them but I like to pull for characters I want and like. Since I want a male harem I don't really want to get the 5 star girls and it sucks to see that my characters are considered bad. For instance I hate this meme that's like:"If Xingqiu is on the banner uk that the DPS is good"... Xingqiu is placed as a Hydro character because his element synergizes with Cryo and Pyro. Double hydro (for Childe banner) is useless since sure, Xingqiu does heal, but there are better characters to synergize with, same for Xiao.

Aside from male characters, even Keqing is one of the most looked down on DPS now. Anemo and Electro both need a buff in my opinion. Don't come at me saying that Venti is OP tho and he's Anemo because what's OP about Venti is his Ult's CC, not his damage output. Xiao is a great DPS but the problem is, the swirl reactions are weak. So to balance things out it'd be better if Mihoyo buffed it. Everytime I say this I get told that I'm a salty Xiao main that can't stand to see characters other than their own being powerful.

Also, if Mihoyo is planning to powercreep this will certainly mean that the content will become harder. Like I already mentioned the current abyss favors specific characters. The recent event Dungeon was especially hard for most people. We aren't counting in whales and YouTubers. It was beatable sure but Mihoyo is taking a step into harder content to have people allow powercreeping and earn money. They already make a shit ton of money just from waifu/Husbando factor and they could start releasing cosmetics like skins that are behind a paywall instead though. That'd be way better than powercreep but unfortunately people only want to call me a misogynist when I say that. I just don't want to force myself to quit playing my favorite characters when Mihoyo steps up their game. Cuz they will, they've already done it with Honkai.

Last but not least, aside from the powercreep this community is ultra toxic. I once posted my preparations for Childe and I got people lecturing me on my artifacts and other people telling me that all I prepared sucked and that I should at least whale to get him a 5* bow or an R5 rust. Or another time when I pointed out that Klee isn't Jean's and Diluc's real daughter abd people attacked me. Or kicking me out of domains when I want to use my perfectly strong Kaeya and roasting me online when I mention that Kaeya is one of my mains. Or when I posted getting to trust rank 5(I think) close to the beginning of 1.5 to show people the new area and got hate for it and for the fact that I like the teapot. Or when I literally asked a question about the 1.5 beta and people called me stupid. I have grown to hate this community so much because everything I say and any way I interact is just wrong to everyone else and I never have a good time anymore.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread