What Makes The Thu’um Powerful?

It’s more esoteric, Dragon’s are very powerful beings in the Elder Scrolls universe, it’s a lot closer to the idea of just forcing the universe into a certain shape then magic. Though that does raise the question of whether it would work outside of the Elder Scrolls universe. Technically speaking the entire universe, from the material realm to the infinite realms of the Daedre, are all one big dream of a godlike entity (think azathoth from Lovecraft). The idea of CHIM (if I understand correctly) is that you are able to internalize the fact you don’t actually exist, that you are simply an aspect of a dream of being that isn’t even aware of you, become lucid enough to start manipulating the dream, and not immediately think yourself out of existence. So if stuff like the Thu’um and the Tonal Magic the Dwemer used are ways of altering reality, would they work in a reality that’s a bit more solid then the one they originally come from (assuming one doesn’t simply buy it so it’s backed by CP of course)?

/r/JumpChain Thread