What male/female double standard do you dislike the most?

I'm a man and I think obviously the fact that average salaries for women are still consistently lower is the worst double standard. On the other side, I hate that I was raised to fear sexually harassing women. I remember watching a lot of videos in school about sexual harassment when I was really young. I think it's incredibly important to teach young men to be respectful of women and to listen when a woman says enough is enough, leave me alone, but I feel like I've been programmed to be ashamed of my own desires. I can't approach a girl I find sexually attractive without feeling like I'm committing assault. Some part of my brain screams, "The gig is up, pervert! She knows what you want! Look at the ground or it's technically rape!"

Luckily I'm in a loving relationship, but when I was younger in order to approach a woman I would have to be super drunk in order to get over my fear of being a creep (probably ended up being creepy because I was drunk). Meanwhile, women have laid some real doozies on me in the past and have straight up tried to sleep with me when I was falling down drunk. To be clear, I think it's better to err on the side of caution when it comes to matters of sexual harassment, but I don't like the culture around courting in the U.S.

/r/AskReddit Thread