What is the meanest thing you've done to another person?

well they just stopped inviting me to stuff. that lasted about a month. then I was like "what's the deal?" They were just really offbase of how the handled it. They never verbally told me specifically what the deal was, just "strange vibes" which tells me what? I eventually texted one of them (the guy who didnt come to the verbal meeting), and that was when I read "...aggressive behavior towards girl"

Me: "What are you talking about?"

"You pushed her against a wall and put your hands around her neck. But she said you didnt squeeze."

Something pretty close to that, i'm paraphrasing. The way I see it, they think that cuz I was drunk, I did this. I've never been so drunk that I would just randomly do something like that, or that I have forgotten anything. I don't even drink unless it was because of a party or a social occasion like going to a pub.

But the reality as I see it is she had seen some of the super short student film assignments where I was with these guys in them and incidentally I strangle or suffocate a person in the short. And that was like her creativity.

The real backstory between her and I was that I made her feel uncomfortable understandably(but not on purpose...cuz I'm kinda awkward) by for example asking her ethnicity. She was like Brazilian, African American, and some other Carribean country. I mean I find that interesting, but I totally get that it made her uncomfortable. And it seemed from that she just took an ice pick from me as I would engage her with a question for example, she would answer it but not TO me. Or she might ask about some activity, other people around say no to said activity, I say I wouldnt be good at said activity(dancing) but Id be down to go to a club. She then took her interest to the guy who said they had no interest in the first place....

It's that kind of behavior from someone where you only notice it if it's towards you personally.

But ya....lo and behold, handle it by making up a rumor to get rid of me instead of just saying something.

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