Cammer finds party group in LA - Bride-to-be with vibrating panties

You are simply uneducated in social sciences and don't know how to use data to argue for something. You inadvertently(supposedly) were arguing that white supremacists exist evenly across parties in America because you don't know how to interpret data. When I said most if not all white supremacists are Trump supporters, your response was "this has already been studied" and then linked to data that that showed the opinions of white republicans and white democrats on issues facing black people, where there was not much divergence. That data was not on white supremacists yet you were misrepresenting it as if it was. Hence you were defending white supremacists and normalizing them, acting like if they exist in both parties evenly. You are a dumbass, incorrect, and you know it which is why you disappeared into the ether when I pointed this out to you. Nice try kid.

Also it is pretty abhorrent of you to ignore that this shit faced girl was saying no when this random stranger decided to sexually assault her. No one wonder you are so comfortable in this sub, you are a useful idiot to the conservative values promoted in this sub(defending white supremacy and advocating for the defending the victimization of women simply because they are women). You truly must be a classical liberal because you lost every right to call yourself a liberal when you argued for the above positions I pointed out in this comment. Shame on you and your ignorance.

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