Me [22F] with my best friend [22F] and her BF [21M] of 2 years, he has been displaying some concerning behavior lately

Yes, you are probably wrong to think that. Unless of course you are saying that your best friend cannot think for herself and lacks the ability to break up with a person she doesn't like.

You clearly do not like this person, and I'm left to wonder if you don't like him because you think he mistreats your friend, or if you don't like him because you yourself are actually the one being possessive over your best friend. Most of your post is you trying to convince us that this guy is bad, which typically is done by humans when they're trying to convince themselves that their own selfish desires are not actually selfish.

You are very, very wrapped up in their relationship. That much is obvious. You have taken it upon yourself to determine if he will actually make as much money as he says he will, and if he will be able to provide for her in the way he says he will be able to. That's a bit of an overreach, in my opinion, and is an unhealthy interest in another person's life. You are not her father, you are not her mother. Her boyfriend's finances or future goals are not really any of your business.

Instead of asking complete strangers on the internet, have you bothered telling your friend anything you've shared with us? Does she think her boyfriend is overly controlling? Does she see a future with him?

I am in no way trying to defend this guy. Like tarantoen pointed out, he sounds like a very insecure person, which is typically a very big turn off to women. But please, be careful that you're not subconsciously trying to ruin your best friends relationship because you enjoyed your relationship with her more before she got a boyfriend. You seen to be subtlety trying to turn everyone against him.

If she is indeed your best friend, be a best friend. Stop trying to be her mother. Stop trying to plan her life from the behind the scenes, without her input. Make sure what you're doing is for her benefit, and not for yours. Talk to her about it, if she wants to talk about it. If she doesn't, then respect her wishes and stop talking about it.

Also, food for thought, if he is this emotionally abusive person you're making him out to be, and she is a shy, submissive person like you are making her out to be, the last thing you want to do is set yourself up as the adversary here or some kind of self-appointed gatekeeper. You could find yourself completely removed from her life soon, and it may not even be by his doing.

/r/relationships Thread