Please describe how being sexually neglected has changed you as a person and made you feel about yourself and your SO

It’s absolutely ruined me. It’s been a DB for 2.5 years with sex once every 4-6 weeks. When we do have sex it’s mechanical and passionless. We have no intimacy. When I hug, touch, or kiss her it’s met with such coldness. We never share those warm fuzzy comforting moments anymore. I do still really love her, but feeling no love back is soul crushing. Initiating is so hard because it’s always met with rejection so I don’t initiate anymore. I have lost all self confidence and motivation. I have no friends. My family lives far away and barely communicates with me. I don’t have any drive to eat, exercise, or even watch or play games that used to bring me joy. My life is increasingly joyless. My job is incredibly demanding and I have no money. She is literally all I have and I feel like I’ve lost her. I cry in solitude daily. We’ve talked about it many times and it always comes down to her being stressed and not needing sex to feel connected and my needs are just brushed aside. I’m in a never ending cycle of rejection, depression, stress , and boredom that’s never going to end.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread