What minor act of stupidity has caused major problems?

So I like playing percussion instruments in marching band. There are four different so called "ranks" of the marching band.

Front Ensemble: This is all of the Xylophones, Marimbas, Vibraphones, and accessory instruments. They are usually at the front of the field and have microphones so they can be heard easier.

Bass drums: This is those typical giant drums you see on people's chests in movies and tv shows. They are not always massive, but they sometimes are. Getting into the bass drum and beyond requires an audition unlike Front Ensemble. Bass drum can be easier than certain instruments in the Front Ensemble, but harder than others. People who don't make the audition are automatically put into the Front Ensemble.

Tenor Drums/Quads/Quints/whatever: This is a set of five drums. Much harder to play than Bass Drum. This is arguably harder or easier than Snare Drum depending on the music being played.

Snare Drum: Arguably the hardest instrument in the percussion. Many uninformed people may think "How can it be difficult you only have one note to play?"

So at my school, we train before band camp starts and do auditions to see who is going to be on each instrument. This happened every Tuesday of the summer. I had been planning to go to D.C. that summer to see my friend. The trip lasted one week. While I was planning to go to it, I disregarded the fact that I would leave for the trip on Tuesday and come back on Tuesday. This caused me to miss the audition and I didn't get bass drum like I wanted even though currently, I'm better than all of the people on the bass line now. (I've taken lessons since then so that's why but at the time of the audition I was still better than at least two of them certainly.) So now I'm in Front Ensemble and all of my music is really easy and boring. And I have to push instruments around all of the time and it sucks. The worst part is I could've easily just moved the trip over ONE DAY and it would've been fine. But no, now I play whole notes on bass guitar and cymbals when we play cadences and it's embarrassing because everyone thinks I suck. But I'm currently taking lessons and I'm going to try out for snare drum next year. Nobody knows that I'm taking lessons so it's going to be a surprise.

/r/AskReddit Thread