You know what I want more than anything? Vampire and werewolf movies, set in Victorian times and with the effort of something like The Witch/Hereditary, that brings them back to their roots and makes them scary again.

I'm kind of astonished y'all are getting downvotes, everyone being like 'gEt ThIs GUy bEHiNd a cAmeRA' like... what? Why would you not get Eggers to make this movie? Why would some random redditor be even possibly capable of capturing it? I personally hate The VVitch with a passion but I accept that there WAS an unparalleled passion behind the project to recreate something in that era, and respect that they did that right. Completely not what I want out of film but it does what it does well. I'm allergic to fish but I can still look at exquisite sushi and say that's fucking top notch.

/u/meowjinx hits the nail on the head (and a lot more politely than either of us have) by saying 'hurr durr witch with werewolves' and... they didn't even come up with that thought, the OP above did, they literally just described the vibe, nothing on any real execution of it.

I'm mostly just salty about everyone downvoting a reasonable call of saying that it's not that easy. Anyone downvoting that above comment must have literally zero clue as to how much work went into making The VVitch what it was, research, costume work, language work, set details, camera techniques, sound design and just... the list goes ON. To get a project like this off the ground, especially one that is quite possibly going to flop (these films are often not loved nearly as much as 'easier to digest' horror) means you basically have to... well, work with museums, spend decades working at it, as well as being a good director already, and just... augh! Sometimes, people and their elitism in this subreddit is INFURIATING, like, have a reasonable discussion instead of just having this spasmic little downvote!

I'm starting to realize I kind of hate reddit for discussions like horror films the older I get.

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