What is the most assehole-ish thing you have ever done in a multiplayer video game?

Conquer Online about 14 years ago.

I was GL of a small guild of about 70 players. You had to be a certain level to join, and so we ended up being comprised of elite players. We even had a sub guild.

We were like family because CO is an open pvp game. As GL you end up mediating fights, calling in reinforcements, and exacting revenge. I was near max level in the game, so most times me showing up was enough. If you attacked one of my members, I would show up with a healer and beat you like a pinata (kill-revive-kill repeatedly - when you die stuff drops out of your bag.)

There was this other guild. Their leader was a decent enough guy, but super annoying. They had over 200 members and let in anyone at any level.


One of his members kills or attacks one of mine. I show up and exact revenge. Then I start getting a flood of messages from him. This isn't the first time I have dealt with him, and he's upset that I've killed one of his wrongdoing members. I got sick of him and his lax rules about harboring pkers, so I went up the guild registrar and declared war on his guild.

For the next 2 weeks my entire time in game was spent killing his members or waiting off the pk points. There was a bug in the game that as a Warrior I could get 2 hits off in town before the guards would kill me. If I saw his members anywhere, even in town, I killed them.

Daily he would spam me like above trying to talk me down. I told him I wouldn't rest until he disbanded his guild. In 2 weeks his numbers went from 200 down to 20. I played the mercy card when he was at 20 members and ended the siege.

/r/AskReddit Thread