What is the most embarrasing thing you could admit about yourself on Reddit but never in real life?

I went to my local urgent care because i was having abdominal pain and shortness of breath. The doc told me to buy some certain brand of antacid or something similar to Mylanta. While it helped with that, it had a major impact on my bladder. I would go from not having to pee at all to having to piss so bad I wanted to scream in a matter of seconds. I think it was also made worse because i was taking a bit more than the reccomended dosage because my symptoms were really bad and im much taller than the average person so i assumed more would be OK. This was going on for about 2 days but at the time I had not put 2 and 2 together and realized what was going on.

I was at K Mart and right as the lady started ringing up my items I felt it coming. I wasn't too worried. I thought I was close enough to paying that i would make it to the bathroom in time. I was furiously dancing around like someone that really had to piss. By the time I was asked to swipe my card I couldn't take it anymore. I desperately yelled "I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM PLEASE WAIT!" to the astonished eyes of the cashier. Another KMart employee was standing nearby and heard my statement about going to the bathroom. When i turned to head towards the bathroom she was facing me when i completely lost all control. I ferociously pissed myself and my red basketball shorts immediately became dark right before her eyes and piss started running down my leg. She literally fucking screamed, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? THIS GUY IS PISSING IN THE STORE!" At this point every set of eyeballs within a 30 foot radius was staring at me. After several seconds which felt like hours, enough piss had been released so i could now hold the rest in. I left my items at the register and fucking booked it straight out the door.

I can't even put into words the feeling of EVERYONE looking at me after that employee screamed. The laughter and horror of everyone made me feel like everything inside me was dying. I kept booking it through the parking lot all the way to my car. On my way i heard a couple people say that i looked like i stole something, until they saw my shorts and burst into laughter.

I got in my car and fucking booked it straight out of the parking lot. I was literally a 1-2 minute drive from home so i was determined to get there as soon as fucking possible. I felt beyond disgusting and was in a state of such extreme shock and anxiety that i didnt even give half a shit about how fast i was going. I got pulled over within about 10 seconds later for going 55 in a 30. Luckily the cop left me off after seeing the massive dark stain on my shorts and strong smell of urine, but that was a pretty embarrassing interaction as well.

I went home, ran to the shower, curled up in a ball on the shower floor and just stayed there for damn near an eternity.

/r/AskReddit Thread