What movies have you watched this week?

Kong: Skull Island

A tonally confused mess of a film. As much as I love watching people get horrifically mauled by giant monsters, it was all in service for a film that didn't know what it wanted to be. At times it felt like a war film, and at some times a screwball comedy. Samuel L. Jackson actually gives a really good performance and John C. Reilly elevates the material when he arrives, but the rest of the characters are pointless and have nothing to do. Brie Larson and Tom Hiddleston are here for star power and nothing more. Beautiful cinematography and fun action scenes simply aren't enough.


A wonderfully bizarre French horror film that mostly tackles themes of crumbling family drama, coming to terms with yourself, and dark secrets coming to light. Garance Marillier is absolutely mesmerizing as the lead, showing clear evolution from timid and vulnerable, to completely animalistic by the end. The horror doesn't just come from the subject matter at hand, but watching this young woman completely lose her mind. A horror film with a lot of thought and care.

Accidental Courtesy: Daryl Davis, Race & America

A fantastic documentary featuring Daryl Davis, a black man famous for befriending numerous members of the KKK, getting some of them to go as far as denouncing the organization. His entire premise is that if you just talk to somebody and understand where they're coming from, common ground can eventually be found and progress can be made. It's fascinating watching him interact with many members of the KKK, and sometimes funny in its absurdity. In a world where people just want to hide in their echo chambers, this is an incredibly important documentary to come out right now. It's important that we always keep talking. It's on Netflix right now for streaming.

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