What do you need to vent about?

Stuck in vegas with a toxic friend who makes me pay for everything and never shuts up about how great he is. Like, I'm down X amount of money and he's up pretty good and all i hear about is how brilliantly he beat the poker machine. When I asked him to mute the commercials on the tv and that i'm " trying to work with him" he shot back that he was trying to work with me by going to the vegas knights game in the 12th row in the corner on my dime. He never thanked me for the ticket or offered to pay (or even bought a beer). then we're in a golf course restaurant and he's telling the poor lady that has to work there how he just saw the knights for $39 and that she was basically a sucker for paying $200 for her shitty seat someone treated her to on her birthday. The lady tells her coworker some other asshole they both know and hate becuase he's a "know it all who only ever talks about himself." I just thought, "Huh." Will delete my post in few, just neede dthe catharsis.

/r/AskReddit Thread