What do you now own because you borrowed and never returned it?

Borrowed Witcher 1 from my ex-boyfriend's ex-best friend's ex-boyfriend. That was 10 years ago.

2 weeks after that ex-boyfriend's ex-best friend's ex-boyfriend cheated on ex-boyfriend's ex-best friend and she dumped his ass immediately and ghosted him completely. So did all of her friends, including my ex-boyfriend.

1 month after that I found out that ex-boyfriend cheated on me repeatedly. I kind of dumped him but we remained friends and kept in touch until...

3 years ago ex-boyfriend's then-girlfriend (the one he cheated on me with) got pregnant. He was at the time cheating on her with his another ex-girlfriend (he cheated on me with this one too), by the way. He was convinced she got pregnant on purpose and left her, then left the city. Everybody stopped talking to him, including his ex-best friend. Even his own family did.

I wouldn't even know how to start looking for ex-boyfriend's ex-best friend's ex-boyfriend. The chain of people who swore to never speak to each other again is just too long.

/r/AskReddit Thread