What is one thing you can tell Reddit but not your own family?

? I chose my words somewhat carefully - I never said it is a choice, I'm calling out the idea that it cannot be, in any way, which seems ludicrous. If you simply are not attracted to a particular sex, you have no choice over that, but sexuality lives on a spectrum and to completely take away the idea that choice can be involved seems to be counterintuitive to the empowering nature of where those people claim to be coming from.

If you're gay, you should be able to celebrate being gay as a part of your life and what makes you happy if you so choose, rather than allow the rest of the world to tell you that you are only that way because "you have no choice." Like the person to whom I was replying. The idea of "I have no choice" implies that, if you had the choice to not be gay, that would somehow be better.

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