What is one thing your SO hid from you until later in the relationship?

I'm the one who was hiding stuff, he hasn't hid anything that I'm aware of....

-Hid my age, technically an accident, but he thought I was a year older than I actually was. Not a big deal but because of my age, it was the difference between being under legal drinking age and over legal drinking age.

-Took me a while to tell him that my step-dad abused me for a large part of my childhood. Told him that when I was slightly tipsy and he's never asked about it since. He doesn't know any details, I'm not sure if he wants to know or if it would upset him too much. He never brought it up or asked further with confused me a tad.

-Hid the fact that I was really into girls before I got with him. He teases me about it all the time now! I'm not bi (not that there's any problem with that), but I was just experimenting. That phase has definitely passed but if he ever wanted a threesome or something then I'd be down for that.

-Still hiding that I used to have an eating disorder that really nearly killed me. I spent over 6 months in hospital for it. It was mainly a result of #2 above. I don't know if this is something I'd ever feel okay with telling him. I feel like he'd monitor my eating and weight etc a lot more and look at me in a different way. I also don't want him walking on eggshells if he is talking about my weight etc.

What can I say, I've had a pretty screwed up childhood (parents divorced etc) and there's part of me that kinda hopes he sees this and asks me more. I've never told anyone that stuff before but I trust him more than anyone else in the world.

/r/AskReddit Thread