What opinion do you have that you feel most redditors would not agree with?

Weed should stay illegal and we should actually do more to keep people off it.

I've heard all the arguments and they make sense, like a lot of sense. I know Marijuana isn't dangerous, addictive, or a "gateway" drug. I just... can't stand stoners.

On the one hand you have typical stoners, people who participate in stoner culture. Most people agree that your rasta-pot-flag-jewellery and hemp-stench isn't awesome.

But I don't just hate them. I hate causal stoners too. Which is stupid, I've had stoner friends, roomates, even aunts and uncles and none of them are bad people they just want to get high cause its fun. Which is fine I guess. I just wish they didn't. There are side effects to smoking weed despite what most people say and you can see them. They differ from person to person obviously but these side effects are never good. Sometimes its little things like you can't sleep, or you sleep too much. Other times its big ones like it triggers a psychotic episode.

And the worst one, in my opinion is that it kills your motivation. It can break you and you can lose that drive to move forward in life. Obviously this doesnt happen to everyone but it is incredibly depressing when it does.

Plus a lot of these people are self medicating for anxiety and depression and obviously they need help but smoking for that purpose is guaranteed to get you "addicted." obviously its not real addiction but if you can't imagine living without it then you have a problem.

I agree with the use of medical marijuana for cancer patients but I really hate the idea of it being accessible to the general public. It's like why make your whole life a just a little worse to get high one time.


/r/AskReddit Thread