What opinion of yours makes you an asshole?

I started off agreeing with you when you started saying retards/clinically retarded people, but I don't get everything else. Why would you want to throw away a metric fuckton of possible cultural, technological, scientific, etc advancements just to weed out some folks with annoying but not intelligence-impairing disabilities/disorders/problems?

I don't get that. I was born 100% deaf, but when I was 6 I had a IQ of 167 but people like you decided "eh, he's deaf, we should probably put him with the "special" children" but my mom wouldn't have it, because I was already beating them at Starcraft at that age. Today I am a fully functioning adult with a cochlear implant who can pretty much talk and hear 100%, and sometimes better than other hearing people. Imagine if I received a "special needs" education and missed out on some educational development - I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am today.

Are you about to say that all deaf persons should be sterilized? What about blind people? What about deaf people who do not receive a cochlear implant? What about dwarves/midgets? What about folks with stupid disorders like Autism, Aspergers, or Tourettes? They're just social disorders or impairments, but that doesn't affect their intelligence. They all can contribute to the betterment of society.

You also said in another comment "Imagine how advanced we could be if we cut the ropes we use to pull the slow up with us." That's where you start trotting into a really dangerous side of eugenics - intelligence levels. This is because intelligence is extremely relative. A guy with an IQ of 130 will quickly see that another guy with an IQ of 100 is "dumber", so the 130 IQ guy will go "You are a lot slower than I am intellectually. It's time to get sterilized." Then the cycle keeps on going up to the smartest guy and there is no one left. I realize this is an extreme outlier and wouldn't happen because at some point an intelligence standard would be put into place, but it still sounds ridiculous to pretty much cripple humanity's advancements.

This gets even trickier when you factor in that some people who are exceptionally smart are also very lazy and don't really do anything with their intellect. On the other side of the intelliegence spectrum, you can have people who are "average" or "slightly dumb" (but not retarded) who can be extremely proficient within a few areas - usually the trade skill industries.

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