I [32M] live a "perfect" life and am married with a [39F] wife and two small kids (a third on the way). I often feel like quitting my job and running for the hills.

I can't believe you make 400K a year and are this ridiculous. Listen, you make a ridiculous amount of money, enough that if you lived conservatively, and invested it right, you could easily retire early in the next 10 years. Maybe even sooner.

You have 3 children. You have brought 3 children into this world. Don't you dare disappear on them. Don't you dare leave that women to raise and care for them alone.

I have actually moved away, left everything behind, and started over in life. I was also in my 20's, unmarried, and had no kids. You can't do that now. Actually you can, but it would make you a piece of crap person. (And that's putting it lightly, as the mods in this sub delete posts with profanity)

How about you sit down with your wife and talk about how to fix this problem. Maybe moving back to Canada, taking a lower paying job that has less stress involved in it.

My hubby use to work 80 hour weeks. He took a HUGE pay cut and new job and only works 40 hour weeks. Never been happier.

/r/relationships Thread