What do other people have difficulty with that you just don't understand why?

I wish I could understand why it exists too. I have never been able to swallow pills without it taking forever. I rarely ever take pills - enough that I can tell you every time I have taken one.

I had to take a capsule once for a headache and could barely manage it. I don't remember how long it took, but ughhh. More recently I had to take meds. I remember practicing with Mini M&Ms. Pretty sure I was supposed to move up to normal size but I don't remember. I watched videos - tilt your head back, tilt it to the side. There was an instructional video from a woman who used candy and instructed people to turn their head to the side as it opens up your throat or whatever and makes it easier to swallow. Taking the actual pills, I tried to use that method, but I don't remember if it worked. I had to end up trying it with applesauce I think, and then I just used a soda. I would take a sip and hold it until I could muster up the courage to swallow the capsule. I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure it sometimes popped in my mouth - it made the exterior kinda squishy so I think that also helped me. Otherwise the carbonation helped, I think. I got pretty good at swallowing pills but then I stopped taking them and completely lost my ability to do it somewhat quickly.

I had to take a pill for a headache recently (I'm not joking, I very rarely take pills) and it took me forever. It feels wrong at the back of my throat. I can't swallow it. I tried taking it with honey. At one point, when I tried to swallow it, I reflexively spat it out. I would never have done this myself, but I literally did a spit take in the kitchen. I don't even know if I swallowed it and then spit everywhere or if I had to try again. I cried, man. I can't do it.

I think a large part is the fact that I know you're not supposed to swallow food whole. If I could describe it, trying to take a pill makes my throat close up. My brain is essentially telling me I can't swallow it because it's almost like a foreign object. Everything I am saying sounds dirty but you don't just normally swallow things without chewing.

I have no experience with those little tablet things - only once have I ever taken one and it was crushed into hot chocolate! I'm young, so that makes a difference, but people take more pills than I do very often. I just cannot do it. I wish I understood the mental block as well, as well as how to overcome it easily. Watching people around me take meds or whatever so easily is bewildering. It doesn't matter if I tell myself to get over it, my body physically cannot. I don't have panic attacks and I don't think I'm claustrophobic (enough for it to cause a block anyway).

My life has, yes, mostly been liquid supplements or chewable vitamins if necessary, but I also rarely take those anyway.

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