What petty things distract you in porn?

fake walls with curtains that are just walls of white light

bright sets with white walls, white carpet, white furniture

pointing the fucking camera into the light (it's porn, not art)

foreskin (the mother-fucker rung it out like a rag, over her face. almost made me puke)

pointing the camera at/toward the guy for any reason. i wanna see her, not him. not him, ever.

showing where cum landed several feet past the target. yeah, that's a real turn-on.

set hands laughing/giggling fucking off audibly in the background.

everything by John Thompson (Germany). that whole style of shooting and editing stinks.

making a point of giving a facial, and then not giving any closeups.

all these fucking titles about giant dicks destroying spinners, and tight pussies, etc.

and all the low resolution vomit that's clogging the sewer.

/r/AskRedditAfterDark Thread