What profession is full of people who thinks so highly of themselves?

in general, the annoying entrepreneurs are the ones who haven't yet made it, so they have delusions of grandeur and keep talking about how they'll get rich. before i became successful, i was that guy who told others i was starting my own business and trying to get admiration. now, i'm that guy who'll deliberately lie and tell others i work sales for someone else, just to get them to think i'm normal.

once you do make it, you're humbled by all the trials and tribulations you have to go through. there are so many road bumps you're not aware of in the beginning (social tarnishing, to email bloating, to poaching staff/devs/support, to 100% cloning and rewording of sites, to seeing the power of VCC's in the wrong hands - massive buys then massive refunds by design in creative ways.

finally, when you do make it, you learn to shut your mouth. when people know you're making money, they expect you to pay food bills, they treat you differently, you're more likely to get gold digging friends/females, etc. before i made it

"The master of power understands that the appearance of superiority over others is inconsequential next to the reality of it. "

Unfortunately, people who haven't yet made it are too concerned with wanting to appear superior to others. When you eventually do appear superior to others, you don't get the admiration you would have expected. You get envy, snide comments, etc.

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