Hillary’s New Constitution: Clinton explains how she’ll gut the First and Second Amendments.

This election is about the Court more than anything.

If Hillary wins, Dems get a clear 5-4 majority on the Court -- and that includes Kennedy as a republican, and isn't the most conservative guy around. He's also 80, and could easily retire and give the Dems a 6-3 "supermajority" of sorts if Hillary wins.

Here are the implications:

  • Heller, which only stands for the proposition that government can't prevent nonfelons from buying handguns for self protection, will be overruled. The 2nd Amendment could easily be reduced to Militias only, essentially erasing the amendment from modern day reality.

  • Citizens United will be overruled, which erodes the ability of business interests to effect the democratic process. To hear a liberal speak of business interests and you'd think they were talking about Al Capone.

  • Seminole Tribe will be overruled. This one is less famous but perhaps the most concerning. Seminole Tribe protects a state government's sovereign immunity. If it were to be overruled, it would allow the Feds to bully states even more than they already do. It would be a serious blow to federalism.

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