what is progressive islam

But by all means please keep telling them that Islamic fundamentalist don't uphold the same "progressive" values you do.

You misunderstand. For a long time I didn't see the difference.

I treasure Islam for its teachings on human rights.

But as a woman with progressive values, believe it is a gross violation of human rights to kill lgbt people or to force little girls to have their clitoris cut or to suffer the stigma. I believe it is wrong to kill apostates and adulterers. I also am against the death penalty in my own country.

I love how Islam was so supported of girls and woman's rights, but I see how patriarchy and time have erased some of that. I believe all girls have a right to education. I stand with Malala who risked her life to stand up to the Taliban for this right. Girls around the world are denied education and forced into child labor. As a Muslim, I believe educating girls is a deed worthy of Paradise, as the Prophet said. I believe Saudi women should have the right to leave their house whenever they want, without a man's permission.

I believe Islam teaches us to be peaceful and advocates peace, but we must fight for more peace. We value peace, but we must stop Daesh from killing Shi'ites, Sufis, Kurds, Christians, etc. and from killing girls who refuse to be slave girls so they can bear children (the next generation of Daesh).

I am a member of the GreenParty and Muslims for Progressive Values. Take a look at the values I have. Yes, many match up with Islam. But some go a step further and others challenge the Islam of the fundamentalist and conservative Muslim countries.

MPV 10 Principles Ten Key Values

I am a member of the Green Party. A progressive party. Here are my values.

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