What was ruined because too many people started doing it?

For me personally it was bow hunting for Whitetail.

Only a handful of my friends did it, nobody in my family. I had a hand injury and a friend suggested buying a cross-bow to get into bow hunting. He told me bow hunting with a compound is like golf, if you don't practice often you'll be terrible, but a cross bow will be point and shoot.

So I did, and really spent time scouting my area, public and private lands, cameras and pre-season sitting. I got a idea how they were moving different than traditional gun season. Got setup and loved it.

Late season rut a monster came bye, boom, dumped him.

Next season every single member of my family was bow hunting our farm, and the public land around us was full of people who heard about my monster.

I'm not hunting this season.

/r/AskReddit Thread