What’s the biggest mistake you ever made that you don’t regret?

Idolizing people for their beauty. Learned the difficult way that nobody cares about being good as long as you’re beautiful and I regret having that mindset because of the people I surrounded myself with. Was filled with so much insecurity, bitterness, resentment towards myself for not meeting standards I let other people set for me and just hatred in general for people who did meet those standards. I let my insecurity take me over so much that I would push people away because I felt so disgusting in my own skin that I thought nobody could ever see any reason to like me. I don’t regret the lessons I learned along the way; everybody is perfect the way that they are and nobody needs specific traits to be a pretty person. I learned to appreciate myself and to become a person other people want to be around rather than someone who is strictly fixated on appearance. I genuinely feel awful for anyone who might experience what I did, though. The internet is an awful place in a lot of ways and definitely plays a big role in determining where people fit beauty-wise for them, and I just hope more people have the revelation I did if they are already in that situation.

/r/AskReddit Thread