What’s a hobby that’s dying in popularity?

I love comics to death, even during this massive covid-comic boom thats slaughtering my wallet right now as everyone and their cousin is trying to side hustle them like penny stocks.

But I don't really like spiderman or batman.

And the one thing I learned from being involved in r/comicbookcollecting or r/comicbooks is that unless it's spiderman, batman, one of the big 5, or one of the $1000+ pump and dump FOMO comics, no one cares.

Guys in there posting albums of their major hard to find/acquire collections of X character or series or run, and it'll get like 6 upvotes, but someone posts a grainy picture of fucking Spiderman #300 and its upvotes to the moon, even though the front page already has 7 other posters photos of that singular comic on it.

Spidey/Batman fans are rapid for the merch and titles, and they're legion.

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