What’s the most unprofessional thing a doctor has said to you?

More unprofessional conduct:

Me, over the phone: So what did the test results say

Dr: I don't give those over the phone, you'll have to come in and I'm booking 5 months from now

Me: ok... but its nothing life-threatening, right?

Dr: No, no. But I'll review them with you then

Me: Did you find something?

Dr: Lets discuss in 5 months

Me: So you did find something

Dr: No, I'm saying that - we'll discussion person in 5 months

Me: Ok, the thing is I want to get the situation solved asap - its greatly impacting my quality of life. Its causing me incredible pain on a regular basis. If you didn't find anything I'll move onto the next specialist and try some other avenues. If its something, then you can I can continue.

Dr: You'll have to come in.

Me: Even if you tell me you didn't find anything, I'll still come in for an appointment in 5 months.

Dr: no, look, you'll have to come in

Me: So you did find something. Ok... at least I have a ball park now

Dr: NO! Come in and we'll discuss.

Me: 5 months is-

Dr: Fine, lets just book an MRI now then, OK? Will that make you happy?

Me: An MRI? Holy Shit! Was I going to wait 5 months for you to just tell me to book an MRI? Just book one! Holy hell, Dr. <name>

Dr: Yes, fine, an MRI

Me: Was this what we were going to talk about in 5 months?

Dr: I'm transferring you to my receptionist

Me: You didn't-

hold music

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