What’s something ‘you’ll understand when you’re older’ that you still don’t understand?

If you are unable to read a book and acquire knowledge form it, you definitely shouldn't just "go out there" and "get comfortable".

If you have trouble, you need expert help. If you have trouble with math or school, you have a teacher, tutors, etc... If you want to get good at a sport, you have lessons, coaches, practice.

This book is like a textbook in a way. Sometimes books don't do it, but in that case you need to find someone who knows their shit who is good at teaching to help you.

Just "getting out there" might work for some people but it's irresponsible advise. "Just go out there and figure it out."

Surely you're trolling but in case you're not. Now you're educated. You're welcome.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent