What’s the stupidest thing you’ve seen a grown-ass adult get angry over?

I like to reverse into parking spaces. Yesterday I wanted to go to the gym, and so I get there and in the car park I spot a nice little space; I indicate left, then drive a few feet past my soon to be parking spot, and whack my car into reverse. As I start reversing, the dude in the car behind me just begins to shoot straight into the space.

Now this isn’t like a killer mistake yet, so I honk my horn (more of a polite toot) as I realised his intentions, turning round and pointing to me and then the space. He saw me and my polite as can be gesture, but then he flicked me off and shouted at me through his windshield and carried on turning in. He stole my spot good and proper.

I then though it proper to really go for it with a good blast on my horn - but that was too much for him. He shot out of his car and straight up to my window, screaming and swearing and pointing, literally yelling spit onto my window, veins popping and eyes bulging. Totally lost his shit.

/r/AskReddit Thread