What’s your biggest Genshin regret?

Oh man... so this is game is my first (and hopefully only) gacha game and I didn't realize how got i would get. So I started playing during Venti banner but Klee banner released soon after. I hated all of the standard characters and really wanted Klee because she looked really fun. Spent some money and got her but... well... at the time, I had equated how much i invested into a character with how much i liked them. On top of that, her banner wouldn't be back for months and I didn't really know how banners or constellations worked...

So... I cracked open the wallet and rolled to a C6 Klee. Sometime in december or early january, i rolled heavy on the standard banner trying to get a C2 Mona, not quite realizing how useless C2 mona is. I didn't get her but instead I did get skyward sword (claymore) and skyward atlas, and some other crap i didn't want. I also threw away some primos trying to get C1 Kazuha (didn't get) and C1 Ayaka (did get) but I had a much better understanding of rolls then ofc.

The one heavy roll I did do that I don't regret was for C4 Ganyu. Her and Klee are the only limited banner 5 stars I have above C1. I still spend money on the game, but nothing like those early days where FOMO and a misunderstanding of how combat and systems work.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread